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This book looks at understanding how a pan works rather than just 'going out' trying to find some gold. It covers how to pan, how to prospect, useful tips, other uses for gold pans other than panning and much more.

Content (Index)
- Introduction
- Panning analogies
- Common Pan types & Sizes
- How to Pan
- Other useful tools
- How to Prospect
- Hints & Tips
- Loaming & Dollying
- Exotic Pans
- Finding Places to go
- Safety Issues

It's important to note that the contents of this book aim to help anyone who has a passion for or interest in gold panning.

The language used in the book is English, and any photos and maps included are meant solely for illustrative purposes and should be treated as a guide only.

Author: Stephen Barnham
Publisher: Likely Prospects, 2004
ISBN: 0958021465
Pages: 23
Item#: SBM011